Helleborus Whirlwind Romance - Leten Rose

Helleborus WEDDING PARTY® Series - Whirlwind Romance
Mature Height: 18 to 24 inches
Mature Spread: 18 to 24 inches

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Emerging in late winter, this striking flower will give you a taste of spring and lift your spirts during still gloomy months.

Whirlwind Romance has pink light/dark contrasted 3 inch double bloom flowers with yellow stamens that pop for a striking display. Paired with other darker and lighter hellebores and planted along a walkway, or other frequently trafficked location, they will show off your garden while others are still wishing for spring.

The plants in the WEDDING PARTY® series were specifically selected for vigor, rich color, and abundant double bloom flowers. Hellebores bloom in very early spring/late winter for six weeks or more. Because they often flower during the Christian Lent, they have been given the common name Lenten Rose. Due to their shade loving nature, hellebores are perfect for under trees and places where many sun loving perennials don't thrive - they are great at filling these spaces because they spread through an extensive root system. Hellebores look wonderful planted in window boxes or raised beds and will provide a burst of much needed color in these areas early in the season. They are also provide an important food source for pollinators during the late winter.

Photo Credit: Walter Gardens

Bloom Color:3" flowers in deep pink hues that reveal darker veins on close inspection.
Bloom Period:Late winter to early spring
Genus & Species:Helleborus WEDDING PARTY® Series - Whirlwind Romance
Mature Height:18 to 24 inches
Mature Spread:18 to 24 inches
Plant Spacing:Initial spacing at 8 to 12 inches.
Planting Depth:Crown level with the soil line
Planting Time:Early spring and late fall
Soil Type:Moist well drained soil - but adaptable to a wide range
Sun Exposure:Part sun to Full shade (ensure full shade plants receive full sun in winter before trees set leaves)
Zone:4 to 9

General care for any tree or shrub is easy, but like any living thing will require your attention. Please educate yourself and follow these simple rules.

Helleborus Whirlwind Romance - Leten Rose

Hellebores are low-maintenance and disease and pest resistant. This makes them very enjoyable to grow and care for. In the late winter it's best to trim back last year's growth to enhance production. Hellebores prefer moist, well drained soil high in organic matter, but will also grow well in sandy to clay soil. Hellebores can tolerate some draught and a range of soil PH. You should protect hellebores from afternoon sun, as shade loving plants they work well under trees and other places where many perennials don't thrive. WARNING: Hellebores are poisonous. Do not consume any part of the plant!

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